IHM business school

Inspiring people to create future business

We develop the skills that develop the business community. Our mission is to offer people and companies business training and collaborations that are useful now and in the future. We shape and let ourselves be shaped by the outside world in the middle of an international business life that is constantly changing. Our programs are developed based on the business community's requirements for current knowledge and skills in marketing, leadership, business economics and sales.

Vi erbjuder ett brett utbud av öppna program. Heltidsstudier YH, meriterande deltidsstudier för yrkesverksamma praktiker och korta kurser för livslångt lärande. Allt innehåll kan företagsanpassas och genomföras ute hos våra kunder eller på våra affärsskolor i Stockholm, Göteborg och Malmö.

We offer a wide range of open programs. Full-time vocational studies, rewarding part-time studies for practicing professionals, and short courses for lifelong learning. All content can be customized for companies and conducted at our customers' premises or at our business schools in Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö.

Read more about our education programs.